domingo, 2 de junho de 2019

eQSL: Radio Romania International (7310 kHz / 11975 kHz) English Service

Dear listener,
Thank you for having submitted your reception reports.
This is to acknowledge receipt of your report of 20 February 2019 concerning RRI’s English language broadcast at 2130 UTC on 7310 kHz and of 19 April 2019 concerning RRI’s English language broadcast at 1816 UTC on 11975 kHz.

Your feedback and remarks are of great interest to us and we are looking forward to receiving further reports from you.
Unfortunately, for the moment, we are unable to send out printed QSL cards due to budget issues. We are sorry for any inconvenience!
Please find attached the following eQSLs:
February 2019
Women’s celebration costume, the Lugoj ethnographic subregion, the village of Păru, Timiș County, ca. 1870 (Photo: The Marius Matei ethnographic collection)
April 2019
Women’s celebration costume, the Lugoj ethnographic subregion, the village of Belinț,  Timiș County, ca.1910 (Photo: The Marius Matei ethnographic collection)

Kind regards and best 73s,
The English Section team

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